Who Are GPS Products?

GPS Products are the Irish agents for Do-It Corporation who have provided hang tab and point-of-sale display solutions since 1973.  GPS Products became the Irish agents in 2002.

Do-It-Corporation created the Hang Tab, a model which has been replicated throughout the world and to this day they continue to be the largest hang tab manufacturer in the world for the packaging and retail display industry.

As the product range evolved to incorporate bottle neck hang tabs, merchandising display strips and carry handles too, the primary focus and strength has remained clear – provide the world’s best quality hang tabs.

With a rigorous testing facility in place and a host of testing standards and protocols based around decades of experience GPS Products with the backing of Do-It Corporation can ensure you’ll secure the optimum hang tab solution for your retail environment.

With an inventory of millions we’re in a position to supply quickly. Where your request is for something branded or more unusual we’ve got the facilities to turn these around quickly too.

Have a look through the options available on the GPS Products website along with a selection of case studies, discover how we can help you.


Contact GPS Products

Email: john@gpsproducts.ie

Phone: 086 257 6274

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